Friday, September 3, 2010

Hamro chutti Dhoja(flag)

The National flag of nepal is only the flag in the world which is non-rectunglar in shape.two triangular shaped flag is embedded with 3 colours."Red"-taken from national colur of nepal crimson,"Blue"for the peace"white"-for harmony with sun n cresent moon.
                till 1962 the flag had with sun n moon with human faces later it was removed.Two triangular shaped know to be the great himalayas n representing tow major religion Hinduishm n Buddhism.The upper half flag is embedded with 10 lines of Moon rays which shows Nepalese are smooth n clam n lower half falg is embedded the sun with 12 lines rays which represent the hot n hottest part of nepal the terai region.
          another reason flag symbolise the Nepalese pagoda.                                     

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