Sunday, December 12, 2010

HBK Nirab: Hamro Nepali महिला ko chinari....

HBK Nirab: Hamro Nepali महिला ko chinari....: "बीर अस्पतालको मृगौला प्रत्यारोपण सेवा अन्तर्गत श्रीमतीले आफ्नो पतिलाई विना हिच्किचाहट मृगौला दान दिने गरे पनि हाल सम्म एक जना श्रीमानले समेत..."

Hamro Nepali महिला ko chinari....

बीर अस्पतालको मृगौला प्रत्यारोपण सेवा अन्तर्गत श्रीमतीले आफ्नो पतिलाई विना हिच्किचाहट मृगौला दान दिने गरे पनि हाल सम्म एक जना श्रीमानले समेत आफनो श्रीमतीलाई मृगौला दान दिएका छैनन्। मृगौला दान दिनेमा पुरुषको दाजोमा महिलाहरु तेव्वर रहेका छन् ।
चिकित्सा विज्ञान राष्ट्रिय प्रतिष्ठान, बीर अस्पतालको दुई वर्ष अघि शुरु भएको मृगौला प्रत्यारोपन सेवाको तथ्याङ्क मा यो देखिएको हो । दुई वर्ष यता त्यहा ३९ जनाले मृगौला प्रत्यारोपण गराएका हुन । यस मध्ये ९२ दशमलव ३ प्रतिसत पुरुष र ७ दशमलव ७ प्रतिसत महिला रहेकी छिन् ।
'मृगौला दान दिनेमा भने ७४ प्रतिसत महिला र २६ प्रतिसत पुरुष छन', बीरका मृगौला प्रत्यारोपण विशेषज्ञ डा.पुकार चन्द श्रेष्ठ भन्-न-'यहाँ समेत लैङ्गकि भेदभाव देखिने गरिएको छ ।'
दुई वर्ष चार महिना देखि मृगौला प्रत्यारोपन हुदै आएको त्रिवि शिक्षण अस्पतालको तथ्याङ्क समेत उत्साह प्रद छैन । हाल सम्म ६२ जनाको प्रत्यारोपन भएको शिक्षण अस्पतालमा ४१ जना महिला र २१ जना पुरुष मृगौला दाता रहेका छन । शिक्षणका मृगौला रोग विशेषज्ञ डा.दिव्य सिंह शाहका अनुसार शिक्षणमा प्रत्यारोपण गराएकाहरु मध्ये हाल सम्म तीन जना पुरुषले आफ्नो श्रीमतीलाई मृगौला दान दिएका छन् ।
'सवै भन्दा बढी आमाले छोरोलाई त्यस पछि श्रीमतीले श्रीमानलाई मृगौला दान दिएको हाम्रो तथ्याङ्कमा छ', डा.शाहका अनुसार हाल सम्म शिक्षणमा १३ जना महिला र ४९ जना पुरुषले प्रत्यारोपण गराएका हुन ।
मुलुक वाहिर अर्थात भारतवाट प्रत्यारोपण गराउनेमा महिला र पुरुषको संख्या उस्ता उस्तै देखिए पनि नेपालमा भने महिला ले प्रत्यारोपण गराउने क्रम एकदमै कम देखिएको डा.शाह बताउछिन् ।
'समाजमा रहेको लैङ्गकि पुर्वाग्रहको यो मानसिक प्रभाव हो', श्रीमानलाई श्रीमतीले मृगौला दान गर्ने तर श्रीमान दान गर्न हच्किने प्रवृत्तिलाई औल्याउँदै डा.भुपेन्द्र वस्नेत भन्छन्, 'यसलाई निरुत्साहित गर्नु पर्छ ।'
मुलुकमा करिव २८ लाख मृगौलाका रोगीहरु छन । यस मध्ये वर्षेकी दुइ हजार आठ सयको मृगौला काम न लाग्ने हुन्छ । उनीहरुलाई डायलासिस वा प्रत्यारोपन गराएर वाच्नु पर्ने हुन्छ ।

Friday, November 19, 2010

HBK Nirab: time value of money!!!

HBK Nirab: time value of money!!!: "The time value of money is the value of money figuring in a given amount of interest earned over a given amount of time for..."

time value of money!!!

The time value of money is the value of money figuring in a given amount of interest earned over a given amount of time
                for example, 100 dollars of today's money invested for one year and earning 5 percent interest will be worth 105 dollars after one year.
               Therefore, 100 dollars paid now or 105 dollars paid exactly one year from now both have the same value to the recipient who assumes 5 percent interest; using time value of money terminology, 100 dollars invested for one year at 5 percent interest has a future value of 105 dollars.
  Goods u buy today with cost of Rs100 is priceless in up coming years.This dont mean the better new design r updated upcoming years.we save our money in Bank  for some years on intrest but the same money if invested in up others quick finiancial then we sure know the value of money!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hi this is me an common domestic animal.As Dashain comes near n near u all human gets happy but me frustated,why becoz i need to loose my life.......
                  talking about life it comes to all living organism ONCE in life.So as i do...I am given a hard sacrifise in naming to goddess Durga,kali n so on...The eighth day, of Dashain Asthami, is the day of animal sacrifices. Goddess temples all over the Kathmandu Valley receive sacrifices, ranging from male goats and water buffaloes to ducks and chickens. Blood, symbolic for its fertility, is offered to the goddesses. This meat is taken home and cooked as "prasad", or food blessed by divinity...
                            What do u get from these all sacrifising?????????????till today GOD is happy on it?My blood is flown all over the statue is full of blood ..........what do u get from this?and is Nepal till now develop giving my sacrifise?
                       do i born to have just for meat to u all????In groups we too enjoy but whn u people take aways our frnd,family members we shout a lot for our life ...tears even flow...plz we r animals a domestic amimals.Do u know what is domestic animals for????
                        so plz think about this n listen to ur heart IF U WERE IN MY PLACE WHAT WILL U DO???u r HUMANS a civilized one so PLZ think abt this .......
                               STOP SACRIFISING US!!!!! THE STATUE GOD IS NOT HAPPY ON SUCH WORKS !!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010


Titanic was called ship of dreams n it really was.1912 april 10 it was sailed from southhampton,England to Nework city,USA.
         Four days into the crossing, at 23:40 on 14 April 1912, she struck an iceberg and sank at 2:20 the following morning, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 people in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history.
            The Movie Based on this accident "Titanic" was developed on 1997..
Character name Jack Dawson n Rose ......
                                    Saw for 31 times still fresh this movie this is just the one that had made me the legendary no.1 fan of titanic......

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mero chinari addict to LP

Crazy on linkinpark a American proffession Rock Band.Their songs are the deadlock n drugs jus just want to have at nytime.."In the end "was the first one that i listened just wheni was of age 12.since then passion to LP just heart says Lp the rock,alternative nu metal ,rock -rap,alternative metal.......
 their 4 albumbs(Hybrid theory,metorara,minutes to midnight n a thousand suns )has created millions sells all over the world."Numb",:smwhere i belong""valentine-day""breaking habit""crawling""dont stay""faint""in the end""bleed it out'"leave out all the rest""new divide'"shadow of day'"the CATALYST""waiting FOR END"......are hitzzzzzz of LP...........